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More than a Class Association

Formed in 2021 “for the purpose of preserving the historic North Haven Dinghy one-design sailing class,” the Dinghy Foundation makes our iconic boat vibrant and accessible.


1. To promote sports competition in the historic North Haven Dinghy sailboat.

2. To regulate nationally as the North Haven Dinghy class association, maintaining uniform rules and the one-design feature of the sailboat.

3. To provide the general public with access to North Haven Dinghies, emphasizing youth participation.


We actively coordinate with Dinghy owners, support the Dinghy National Championship, publish Dinghy class specifications, maintain an active website, host a class listserv, keep current owner lists, host periodic tuning and racing clinics, distribute electronic newsletters, facilitate access to boat parts, coordinate with boatwrights to ensure all new Dinghies conform to class regulations, propogate a uniform set of class rules to support one-design racing of Dinghies, maintain various artifacts and databases from our 139-year history, and generally promote the fun of sailing the North Haven Dinghy to anyone who is interested! Perhaps most importantly, we strive to put new sailors in these old boats through our communal Dinghy Initiative.


Special thanks goes out to all these folks who have already given time, advice, funds, and energy to make The Dinghy Foundation a reality: Adam Alexander, Kim Alexander, Dan Amory, Jon Amory, Patrick Amory, Barba + Wheelock Architecture, Dante Bayona, Luis Berrizbeitia, Nathalie Binney, Nancy Blackett, Louisa Boatwright, Carter Brock, Foy Brown, Luke Brown, Lydia Brown, Levy Byrd, Richard Byrd, Dorsey Cabot, Ethan Cabot, Harry Cabot, Stephanie Cabot, Walter Cabot, Lee Campbell, Mark Carthy, North Haven Casino, Bouzha Cookman, Jenni Lyn Cooper, John Crocker, Matt Crocker, Linda Crockett, Daniel Cross, Sara Diaz, Ollie Dietter, Zeke Dietter, Brackett Dow, Joan Dow, Wells Dow, Doyle Sails, Peter Dragonas, Peter Dunbar, Jenny Dupont, Pierre Dupont, Jens Eckstein, Kelley Frumer, Stephanie Gates, Andrew Gilbert, Carrie Gilbert, North Haven Golf Club, Paul Goodhof, Ben Hammond, Jay Hammond, Kate Hammond, Maggie Hammond, William Hammond, John Hanson, Ken Hartt, North Haven Historical Society, Jeff Holmgren, Katherine Holmgren, Mara Holmgren, Will Holmgren, Emmett Holt, Lib Holt, Celia Huntington, Chris Huntington, Jeff Huster, Hyde Sails, Barrie Hyman, Leslie Hyman, Sarah Hyman, Cathy Iselin, J O Brown & Son, Abby Janes, Ben Lamont, Tommy Lamont, Tucker Lannon, Alexander Lehr, William Lehr, Griffin Leschefske, Sam Levine, Cam Lewis, Emmy Lewis, George Lewis, Jeff Longnecker, Bill Macgowan, Maine Boats Homes & Harbors Inc., Anne-Emmanuelle Marpeau, Dan Martin, Nancy Mazzulli, Robert McKenzie, Alex Merchant, Joanna Metcalfe, Bill Mooney, Mystic Seaport Museum, Catherine Nordensen, Sebastien Nordensen, Keyan Padgett, David Parsons, Lori Pease, Roland Pease, Elizabeth Pendleton, Bob Perkins, John Perkins, Dana Peterson, Mark Ploch, Mike Price, Caity Quinn, Bonnell Robinson, Dana Robinson, Pieter Roos, Dicky Saltonstall, George Saltonstall, Polly Saltonstall, Phil Saul, Carrie Scholz, Peter Scott, Chris Scott-Hansen, Ed Scott-Hansen, Bill Seefeld, Anne Simcoe, Kate Simcoe, Tim Simcoe, Anita Spertus, Lee Sprague, John Stevens, Ella Tagliamonte, Will Tagliamonte, William Trevaskis, US Sailing, Benoit Ugeux, Nick Vlasto, Neil Wallace, George Warner, Lorraine Washington, Ann Wiedie, Christy Wiegand, John Wilkins, Janet Williamson, Felix Wolfram, Margot Woodworth, and others unnamed!

Support & Contact

You can make an online donation here or learn about other ways to support our causes at our support page here. The easiest way to reach out is by email at Mailings can be sent to North Haven Dinghy Foundation, 654 Crabtree Point Road, North Haven, ME, 04853.

Image courtesy of Jens Eckstein
© 2025 North Haven Dinghy Foundation, a Maine nonprofit organizationGo sailing